MAIL MUSIC, by peeq + Isolate Line + nzworkdown (XiX)

MAIL MUSIC, by peeq + Isolate Line + nzworkdown (XiX)

peeqが発案者となりTwitterで参加者を公募して実現した究極のコラボレーション『MAIL MUSIC』。データをメールで交換し続けて8ヶ月。幾度となく旅を繰り返し到達したpeeq + nzworkdown + Isolate LineによるMusic Journey.


Mail Musicとは…

The ultimate collaboration, “MAIL MUSIC” was conceived by peeq and realized by inviting participants via Twitter.
After 8 months of exchanging sound materials via email, peeq, nzworkdown, and Isolate Line have reached an experimental music project. Music Journey by peeq + nzworkdown + Isolate Line, which has reached its destination after repeated trips.
Each song is a starting point, a process, and a destination, and by listening to the songs in order, you can relive the 8-month journey. Please listen to them in order.

What is Mail Music…
Experimental composition method where multiple people exchange Sound material, no one complains no matter how much it is transformed, and no one knows the final completed form.

熊本県在住の音楽家。2021年『Sea that has Become Known』(Unfinished House)、2022年『Sea Of Solaris』(1834)をリリース。

peeq is a musician living in Kumamoto, Japan, he released “Sea that has Become Known” (Unfinished House) in 2021 and “Sea Of Solaris” (1834) in 2022.

内村悠己 / Yuki UCHIMURA


1981 Born in Dallas, Texas. I studied at Tama Art University for one year and Musashino Art University for two years. In 2007 I started photography, and in 2020 started making music.

Isolate Line:
東京を拠点に活動する Hiroyasu Izumoriによるソロプロジェクト。
相反する音の融合をコンセプトとし、Sci-fiやCyber Punk等のヴィジュアルイメージを想起させるエモーショナルでシネマティックなエレクトロニクスサウンド、鋭角的かつ変則的なリズムシーケンス、ハードシンセサイザーによる破壊的なノイズからなる楽曲が特徴。

Isolate Line is Japanese Experimental Musician
A project by Hiroyasu Izumori based in Tokyo, Japan.
It features an emotional and cinematic electronic sound that evokes visual images such as Sci-fi and CyberPunk, an acute and irregular rhythm sequence, and a music composed of destructive noise by a modular synthesizer.